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Trace Events

We recommend capturing a full coredump trace in case the system encounters a fatal problem, like a hard fault or a failed assertion. However, in some cases it may not be desirable or possible to do so. For example, if stopping & rebooting the system is not an option, or if the error is recoverable but you would still like to understand how often it happens.

The Trace Event module within the SDK makes it easy to track errors in a way that requires less storage than full coredump traces and also allows the system to keep running after capturing the event. Only the program counter, return address and a custom "reason" are saved. Once uploaded to Memfault, each Trace Event will be associated with an Issue just like a coredump.

Here's an example where Trace Events are captured for Bluetooth protocol CRC errors and invalid message IDs:


This guide assumes you have already completed the minimal integration of the Memfault SDK. If you have not, please complete the appropriate Getting Started guide.

Defining Custom Trace Reasons

Aside from the program counter and return address, a Trace Event also contains a user-defined "error reason". The list of custom reasons is defined in a separate configuration file named memfault_trace_reason_user_config.def which you need to create.

To start, we recommend adding a "test" trace error reason you can easily trigger (i.e via a CLI command) and a couple for error paths in your codebase (such as peripheral bus read/write failures, transport errors and unexpected timeouts).

Here is what the memfault_trace_reason_user_config.def file should look like:

// memfault_trace_reason_user_config.def
// ...

Adding Trace Events

Next, we'll need to use the MEMFAULT_TRACE_EVENT_* macros to capture trace events when errors occur.

Note that it is perfectly fine to use the same reason in different places if that makes sense in the context of your code. Because the program counter and return address are captured in the Trace Event, you will be able to see the 2 topmost frames (function name, source file and line) in Memfault's Issue UI and distinguish between the different call sites.

For test purposes, you can add a CLI command that logs Trace Events using different methods:

#include "memfault/components.h"
// [ ...]
void test_trace_event_cli_cmd(void) {
// Examples of the different flavors of Trace Events

// 1. basic Trace Event- call site information and Trace Event Reason code

// 2. Trace Event with a status code (i.e error code returned from stack)
// to manually group events.

// 3. Trace Event with a log of arbitrary data
MEMFAULT_TRACE_EVENT_WITH_LOG(test, "A Trace Event with log %d", 1);

You can also start to add Trace Events for error paths:

#include "memfault/core/trace_event.h"
// [ ...]
void ble_le_process_ll_pkt(...) {
// ...
if (invalid_msg_id) {
// ...
// ..

For details on the Trace Event macros, see the header file.

Trace Event Variants

As shown above, there are 3 different types of Trace Events available.

  1. MEMFAULT_TRACE_EVENT(reason) - a Trace Event with just a custom Trace Reason
  2. MEMFAULT_TRACE_EVENT_WITH_STATUS(reason, status_code) - a Trace Event with a custom Trace Reason and arbitrary user data value
  3. MEMFAULT_TRACE_EVENT_WITH_LOG(reason, format, args) - a Trace Event with a printf-like format for the log string. The formatter will use Compact Logs if enabled and supported on the platform).

Trace Events, like Coredumps, are grouped together so that similar Trace Events are associated with the same Issue.

  • MEMFAULT_TRACE_EVENT events with the same Reason and backtrace will be grouped together.
  • MEMFAULT_TRACE_EVENT_WITH_STATUS events with the same Reason, the same Status code, and the same backtrace are grouped together.
  • MEMFAULT_TRACE_EVENT_WITH_LOG with the same Reason and backtrace will be grouped together. The log is not used for grouping. MEMFAULT_TRACE_EVENT and MEMFAULT_TRACE_EVENT_WITH_LOG events may be grouped together if their reason and backtrace are the same, regardless of the log.

It is recommended to use MEMFAULT_TRACE_EVENT_WITH_STATUS() to explicitly group events (with the same Reason and backtrace) together if every different status code represents a different issue. Otherwise prefer MEMFAULT_TRACE_EVENT_WITH_LOG() if the only desire is to add more information to the Trace Event.

Recording Trace Events from Interrupts

It is also safe to use the MEMFAULT_TRACE_EVENT() macro from an interrupt. When called from an interrupt, the Trace Event info will be copied to a temporary storage region in RAM to minimize interrupt latency. The collected data can then be serialized to event storage by explicitly calling memfault_trace_event_try_flush_isr_event(). The data will also be flushed automatically anytime MEMFAULT_TRACE_EVENT() is called and the processor is not in an interrupt.

Timestamping Trace Events

For devices that have an onboard source of time (RTC or GNSS receiver, etc), it can be useful to add a timestamp to Trace Events. This will set a "recorded time" value on the Trace Event when it's decoded by Memfault's server, and the Trace Event reports will show accordingly in the device's timeline.

A detailed description can be found in the Event Timestamps documentation page.