ARM Cortex-A/R Integration Guide
Getting started
Integrating on an ARM Cortex-A or Cortex-R device follows the same workflow as on a Cortex-M device. Complete the steps in the guide linked below, then return here to implement any Cortex-A/R specific integration steps.
ARM Cortex-M integration guide
ARM Cortex-A/R specific steps
The ARMv7-A/R architecture has a different exception/interrupt handler dispatching mechanism as compared to Cortex-M devices (excerpt below is from the ARM Architecture Reference Manual ARMv7-A and ARMv7-R edition):

To integrate the Memfault fault handlers into the exception handlers, install the following functions into the program's vector table:
If you need help instrumenting the fault handlers, don't hesitate to reach out to Memfault support!
These functions are defined in the Memfault Firmware SDK here.
An example vector table is show below:
@ import reference for interrupt routines
.extern _c_int00
.extern phantomInterrupt
.weak resetEntry
@ Memfault Fault Handlers used in the interrupt vector table below
.extern UndefinedInstruction_Handler
.extern DataAbort_Handler
.extern PrefetchAbort_Handler
@ interrupt vectors
ldr pc, =_c_int00
ldr pc, =UndefinedInstruction_Handler /* Memfault handler */
b svcEntry
ldr pc, =PrefetchAbort_Handler /* Memfault handler */
ldr pc, =DataAbort_Handler /* Memfault handler */
b phantomInterrupt
ldr pc,[pc,#-0x1b0]
ldr pc,[pc,#-0x1b0]
You should be able to see the correct addresses when dumping the .intvecs
section (or whatever the vector section is called in your program).
$ arm-none-eabi-objdump --disassemble -j .intvecs ./build/memfault.elf
./build/memfault.elf: file format elf32-littlearm
Disassembly of section .intvecs:
00000000 <resetEntry>:
0: 18 f0 9f e5 18 f0 9f e5 ........
00000008 <svcEntry>:
8: eafffffe b 8 <svcEntry>
c: e59ff014 ldr pc, [pc, #20] ; 28 <svcEntry+0x20>
10: e59ff014 ldr pc, [pc, #20] ; 2c <svcEntry+0x24>
14: ea00246f b 91d8 <phantomInterrupt>
18: e51ff1b0 ldr pc, [pc, #-432] ; fffffe70 <_estack+0xf7fbfe70>
1c: e51ff1b0 ldr pc, [pc, #-432] ; fffffe74 <_estack+0xf7fbfe74>
20: 0000b598 .word 0x0000b598
24: 00012cf4 .word 0x00012cf4
28: 00012d70 .word 0x00012d70
2c: 00012d3c .word 0x00012d3c
$ arm-none-eabi-addr2line --exe ./build/memfault.elf 0x00012cf4 0x00012d70 0x00012d3c