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April 2024

What's New: In-App Announcements

We've introduced a "What's New" announcements tool within the Memfault web application to help users stay informed about the latest features without waiting for the monthly changelog. This tool notifies users about new features, guides, system updates, and user surveys as soon as they become available.

We continuously improve our services based on your feedback, and this real-time feed will help us showcase the frequent updates we make to our services so users can take advantage of them right away.


  • Added: A "What's New" announcement tool to highlight new features, and share info about events and surveys within the web application.
  • Added: New features to the Jira integration, including restricting which projects the integration has access to in Admin settings and being able to search within the project list.
  • Added: New Reports tab on the Device page, which displays device data from reports like Heartbeats and Sessions in a tabular format.
  • Added: New Processing Log Coredump Analyzer Error that surfaces when our system has met the maximum number of retries for processing a coredump, and will stop attempting to complete the action.
  • Added: A cookie consent user setting and banner asking for user preferences
  • Added: Ability to toggle between heartbeats and HRT on the Device timeline
  • Fixed: Handle invalid device versions gracefully in the version matrix instead of displaying an error
  • Improved: Various UI glitches and improvements (hide CDR swimlane for Linux devices because it is not yet supported, updated the alert summary to only consider incidents in the last 30 days, performance improvement for device software version history query, change default page size to 20 for paginated items)
  • Improved: Project creation modal and Project setup steps now have more contextual prompts and better track progress towards a full integration and user onboarding
  • Changed: Deprecated the hard-coded "Customer Support" role in favor of Memfault's role-based permission system


  • SDK versions 1.7.6, 1.7.7, 1.8.0, and 1.8.1 were released. Some highlights:
    • Added: A new platform function, memfault_platform_metrics_connectivity_boot(), which can be called from the Memfault SDK metrics_boot() function after the metrics subsystem is initialized. This platform function is used for setting any initial state information for Connectivity metrics, and has default implementations for ESP-IDF (WiFi) and nRF9160 (LTE) devices.
    • Added: Ability to set a scale factor when defining a Metric. The scale factor will be used to divide the uploaded metric values. For example, if a Metric is defined with a scale factor of 10, all values reported for that Metric will be divided by 10 when received by Memfault. The resulting value is stored as a floating point number in Memfault.
    • Added: Ability to disable the Memfault logging hook into esp_log_set_vprintf() with CONFIG_MEMFAULT_LOG_USE_VPRINTF_HOOK=n for ESP-IDF.
    • Added: Ability to disable the built-in Connectivity Core Metric collection, which is enabled by default to track WiFi uptime. Use CONFIG_MEMFAULT_ESP_WIFI_CONNECTIVITY_TIME_METRICS=n to disable the built-in implementation.
    • Fixed: Regression from 1.7.4 that caused the ESP32 example app to fail to boot correctly.


  • SDK versions 4.15.0, 4.15.1, and 4.15.2 were released. Some highlights:
    • Bort rate-limiting events are uploaded, to be displayed in the Processing Log.
    • Added a bort-cli command (generate-keystore) to generate Bort keystores. See documentation.


  • SDK version 1.11.0 was released. Some highlights:
    • Added: Log storage persistence configuration - via the new config field users can select whether logs processed by memfautld should be written to disk or not. If they are not written, creating metrics based on log patterns and including logs in coredumps will still function but log files will not be uploaded to Memfault. The intention behind this option is to limit the number of unnecessary disk writes for systems that are not sending full log files to Memfault.
    • Added: Daily heartbeats - a once-a-day metric report that aggregates 24 hours of metrics captured from your device. It can be enabled with the new metrics.enable_daily_heartbeat configuration.


  • We did not publish a new version of the memfault-cli in April 2024.