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January 2024

Get all the data you need in one place: Add any chart to any dashboard

It is now possible to add any chart, previously available across any part of Memfault, into your custom dashboards. All of the charts and cards previously only available in either the Overview or Device Sets dashboards can now be added to any dashboard. The three pre-existing dashboards, Overview, Metrics and Device Sets have all been consolidated under the Dashboards section of the side nav and can now be renamed and customized.

This series of changes means that users can get maximum value from all data sources in Memfault in their custom dashboards.

The list of newly available charts and cards includes:

  • Active devices
  • Issue charts
  • Software Versions
  • Device sets
  • Active devices
  • Device incident alerts

Combine all these data sources into a single dashboard to maximize the relevance and usefulness of each dashboard and eliminate the need to jump between dashboards to get the insights you need. You can read more about the changes in Memfault’s Dashboards documentation.


  • Added: All types of charts can now be added to customizable dashboards, including Device Sets, and all charts previously available only in the Overview Dashboard (e.g., Reboot Reasons, Software Versions, Received Bugreports, Top Issues). See the documentation on configurable dashboards and charts & cards.
  • Added: The ability to customize your project’s Overview Dashboard.
  • Added: Ability to serve a different OTA payload to the devices independent from device’s cohort, using project key configuration.
  • Added: Labels for software versions in charts include the specific version text where possible (e.g., 1.1.0 and 2 other versions ).
  • Added: Processing Log support for received ELF coredumps and bug report processing errors
  • Improved: Support for large CSV uploads (over 6,000 rows) to create new devices without a timeout
  • Improved: Better caching and querying performance on the Crashes Per 10,000 Hours chart
  • Improved: Various UI glitches and improvements (duplicating a dashboard now includes it’s live filters, device serial filter can now be combined with other filters in the processing log, fix intermittent stuck tooltip display issue, and support non-ascii email addresses for users)
  • Fixed: Customers with big fleets hitting timeouts with device search
  • Fixed: Bug where a device’s last seen time is not updated if we only get OTA update check-ins from the device
  • Fixed: Reboot reasons search queries now support searching by strings for MCU devices
  • Fixed: All core metrics are now quota-exempt.
  • Fixed: Deleting Organization Auth Tokens resulting in error message
  • Fixed: Add + to the list of allowed filename characters for OTA updates
  • Fixed: Properly displaying the sync_memfault_successful metrics in the device timeline instead of enums
  • Changed: Deprecated the Events Debug page and queue status popup feature in favor of the new Processing Log


  • SDK versions 1.6.0, 1.6.1, and 1.6.2 were released. Some highlights:
    • Added: New self-test component with the following new features:
      • Check that other components are initialized correctly (boot test)
      • Check that exporting data over the console is supported (primarily checking that the output buffer is large enough)
      • Print information about the coredump regions that would be collected during a crash, for diagnostic purposes
    • Added: A reboot reason self-test, which validates the reboot reason data is correctly preserved through device reboot. The reboot reason self-test can be performed from the demo CLI as self_test reboot/self_test reboot_verify.
    • Changed: The Battery Metrics platform API has been consolidated into a single function, int memfault_platform_get_stateofcharge(sMfltPlatformBatterySoc *soc), where the platform data is loaded into the soc struct. This should simplify the platform implementation, and enables platforms to return a non-zero value to indicate state-of-charge is unknown. See the new API in the header file memfault/metrics/platform/battery.h


  • We did not publish a new version of the Bort SDK in January 2024.


  • SDK version 1.9.1 was released. Some highlights:
    • Added: Recording of info!warn! and error! logs from during coredump capture to a note in the core ELF to allow for better visibility into coredump capture errors.
    • Fixed: A bug in memfault-core-handler that caused a small number of coredumps in which PT_PHDR is not the first entry in the program header table to be captured incorrectly when in threads mode.