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July 2023

Bulk Issue Merging improvements

Users can now merge multiple issues together with a few clicks, eliminating the previously repetitive process of merging each issue independently. This addresses the scenarios where Memfault's de-duplication algorithm may not group related issues due to unaccounted for variables within the Issue Signature making each appear as an independent issue.

Users can now use all of the filtering capabilities within the issues page to narrow down to a specific issue set and either bulk select or individually select a set of issues they believe should be merged into one issue. You can read more about issues and bulk merging in the Issue Management documentation.

Android SDK 4.8.0: More OTA control, more metrics and more issue tracking

The most recent Android SDK 4.8.0 introduces a number of new features for Android customers. Android customers now get powerful additional controls for the OTA update process, more granular battery usage metrics and tracking of SELinux violations.

The OTA improvements allow users to control download and install behavior independently and dependent on additional payload specific metadata and/or current device condition. For example, you can ensure that devices will prioritize updates a user has tagged as "critical" for download and will only install an update if certain battery conditions are met. You can read more about the specific configurations in Memfault's documentation on configuring download and install for OTA updates.

The changes to battery metrics allow users to view the battery usage per app, distinguish usage in screen-on or screen-off scenarios, and see battery capacity, all on the device timeline view. This gives much more granular visibility into battery performance and further enhance users' ability to root cause issues. You can read more about this in Memfault's Android Battery Summary Metrics documentation.

Finally, we added support for tracking SELinux violations via Memfault. Tracking these issues will now be possible with all of the same functionality as the other pre-existing Android issue types.


  • Added: Ability to merge Issues in bulk
  • Added: The CDR tooltip now displays the MIME type
  • Improved: Logs tab search filters now persist when navigating between log files
  • Improved: Various UI glitches and improvements (more responsive device search page controls, standardize form input label placement, bug fix for pagination on issues and devices pages, exclude merged issues from issue searches, improve editing device sets modal)
  • Fixed: Navigating from weekly drilldown on the Reboots chart to Device Search correctly sets the time range to a week
  • Fixed: Missing data visualization when min/mean/max values were all the same value on metrics charts
  • Changed: Custom metrics are no longer marked as attributes by default


  • Improved: Handle new audio log format changes for qcomm to update to ADK
  • Improved: Documentation for MCU Software Watchdog Instrumentation
  • SDK version 1.1.2 was released. Some highlights:
    • Improved: Compatibility in reboot reason tracking and watchdog implementation on Silicon Labs Series 2 MCUs
    • Fixed: A Zephyr build error when CONFIG_MEMFAULT_LOGGING=n, see #56. Thanks to @JordanYates for reporting this issue!
    • Fixed: A potential Zephyr bug in the Memfault Log Backend when CONFIG_LOG_MODE_IMMEDIATE=y when flushing of fault logs during a crash


  • Added: Documentation for Client-Side Rate Limiting for Android
  • Improved: Device timeline view with the following changes: grouping temperature, per-app battery usage, screen on/off battery drain, storage and temperature metrics in their respective swimlanes, enabling min/max settings for multiswimlanes, hardcoding min/max values for standard metrics
  • Fixed: Timeouts when changing SDK settings of large fleets
  • SDK version 4.8.0 and 4.8.1 were released. Some highlights:
    • Added: HRT battery metrics (e.g. summary of per-app battery usage)
    • Added: Support for capturing SELinux violations without bugreports
    • Improved: OTA download/install constraint customization
    • Improved: OTA app will now try to stay running (using a JobScheduler job, and optionally a foreground service) while downloading A/B updates.
    • Improved: OTA app will now recover if killed while UpdateEngine is downloading an A/B update (using a periodic job which runs every 15 minutes).
    • Made libmflt-structuredlog a Soong module.



  • CLI version 1.0.2 was released. Some highlights:
    • Fixed: Bug where upload-yocto-symbols would fail when some files in the tarballs provided did not have the read permission set.