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Setting up Basic Jira Integration


This is the basic Jira Server and Data Center (on prem) integration guide. While this link format also works for Jira Cloud, we also offer an Advanced Jira Integration. In addition to creating issues, it shows you Memfault issue details in Jira, and can also sync issue resolution states from Jira to Memfault.

This guide covers how to set up the basic Jira Integration with Memfault so that a user can quickly and easily create new Jira Issues from Memfault Issues.

Edit Project Settings

The first thing to do is to navigate to the Memfault Project Settings page. Under General → Integrations, hover over "Add" and select Atlassian Jira.

You should see the screen below.

In each field, input the following:

Instance URL

This is the URL of the Jira instance. If it is hosted by Jira, it is likely

Parameters for /secure/CreateIssueDetails!init.jspa

  • To find the Jira Project ID, or pid, you can follow the instructions here.
  • To find the Issue Type ID's, login to Jira in the browser and then navigate to https://<jira-instance-id>/rest/api/3/issuetype to find the ID's. When the response is returned, the desired field is labeled id.
"self": "",
"id": "10004",
"description": "A problem or error.",
"iconUrl": "",
"name": "Bug",
"subtask": false,
"avatarId": 10303

For example, if the above response was returned, issuetype=10004 for a 'Bug'

Create a Jira Ticket From a Memfault Issue

To try out the new integration, navigate to a pre-existing issue and look for the new button in the top right of the Issue details page.