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February 2024

Device Vitals: Built-in metrics and out-of-the-box visualizations for stability, battery life and connectivity

With our newly released Device Vitals feature set we have added a streamlined and standardized way to start monitoring critical health and performance data from your devices. The three Device Vitals, Stability, Battery Life and Connectivity, are automatically computed by Memfault on the cloud side based on a set of metrics collected by the SDK. The metrics required for the computation are standardized across all platforms and are now built-in to all SDK’s from Android 4.13, MCU 1.5.0, and Linux 1.9.0.

We have also added a set of “out-of-the-box” dashboards for monitoring each vital and new charts and cards to add to your own custom dashboards. The combination of built-in metrics and out-of-the-box visualizations provides both existing and new Memfault customers an easy way to start monitoring some of the most important health and performance indicators across your fleet. Read about how to configure the built-in metrics and use the new visualizations in our technical documentation.

Jira Integration: Connect and automatically sync Memfault Issues with tickets in Jira

Our new Jira integration adds the ability to sync key information from Memfault Issues with Jira Issues. Users can now create Jira Issues from an Issue in Memfault and link Memfault Issues to existing Jira Issues from within Memfault. Once linked, key data is automatically and continuously sync’d with the Jira Issue including:

  • Memfault Issue name and issue status
  • Trace count and impacted device count
  • First seen and last seen dates

The Issue status in Memfault (e.g. Open, Resolved, Reopened) will also be automatically updated based on the Jira Issue status (e.g. Done, Unresolved). This new integration should make it much easier to work issues identified by Memfault into your existing development processes in Jira. You can read more about the integration and how to get set-up in our technical documentation.


  • Added: Web application support for displaying new Device Vitals charts in custom dashboards and the Device search UI. Once data is collected using the required SDK version, Memfault's servers will automatically process these metrics to provide a set of key insights ("Device Vitals") across your fleet. Read more about how to get Device Vitals for your fleet in the docs.
  • Added: New JIRA Cloud integration for Scale & Enterprise customers that enables creating and viewing Memfault issue details in Jira, and can also sync issue resolution states from Jira to Memfault.
  • Added: Live previews of charts in the chart configuration modal
  • Added: New protected cohort feature enabling admins to control whether a cohort’s active releases should be activated by all user types or only by project managers.
  • Added: Support for changing Devices’ assigned cohort in bulk from the Device Search UI
  • Added: Trace and affected device counts now reflect the issue filters in the Issue Search UI
  • Added: New Processing Log error for “Suspicious Capture Dates” when dates are over 2 years old, which could indicate a malformed or incorrect date.
  • Added: The ability to specify default Notification Targets for new Alerts and Issues in a project.
  • Improved: Various UI glitches and improvements (linked devices with long device ID’s getting cut off in the Devices Details page, prevent user-facing error when Issue search correctly returned no results, performance optimizations for Issue Details Page with many software versions reporting to prevent lagging UI, redesign for the Devices version history popover)
  • Changed: Default sorting on Device search is now by device serial. Sorting by last seen timestamp can still be selected manually.
  • Changed: Core Metrics now have automatic default metadata properties and cannot be modified by users. Additionally, added more in-app documentation to reinforce that Core Metrics do not count toward quotas.
  • Changed: Deprecated Queue Status feature in favor of our Processing Log.



  • SDK version 4.13.0 was released. Some highlights:
    • Added: Support for Android 14.
    • Added: Support for Bort Lite.
    • Improved: Disabled setting the project key via broadcast if PROJECT_KEY_SYSPROP is configured. See documentation.
    • Changed: This release contains more features inside the Bort app which rely on the permission whitelist changes made in 4.10.0. This release itself isn't breaking, but the Bort app 4.13.0 will not work with a base Bort SDK prior to 4.10.0 - this will only be an issue if updating the Bort apk separately from the rest of the Bort SDK.
    • Changed: Removed the default value of the PROJECT_KEY_SYSPROP property in Setting the project key via broadcast would fail, if this is configured (it would reset whenever Bort restarts). Be sure that this property is not configured if you intend to set the project key via broadcast. See documentation.


  • SDK version 1.10.0 was released. Some highlights:
    • Added: Support for session-based metrics reporting, enabling the capture of metrics aggregated over dynamic spans of time in addition to the periodic heartbeat.
    • Fixed: A bug in which MAR files generated from a pre-1.9.0 version of memfaultd could not be parsed and uploaded by versions 1.9.0 and 1.9.1.
    • Changed: Reboot reasons are now uploaded to the Memfault backend regardless of the fleet sampling resolution for the device.
    • Changed: The log level for the log output when the last reboot reason file cannot be found has been downgraded to debug!.


  • CLI version 1.0.8 was released:
    • Added: Apache 2 license