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Android Custom Metrics

Memfault will collect various AOSP metrics automatically once integrated, like battery health, wakelock counts, foregrounded apps and so on. See Built-in Metrics for more details.

In addition to the built-in metrics, it is also possible to define custom metrics for your own domain-specific use cases. In this guide, we describe how to use Memfault's Reporting library to collect different kinds of metrics.

Reporting Library

For example, with the Reporting library, you can record 60 temperature values, one for every minute in an hour, using the below Kotlin API (Java and C++ APIs are also available).
.distribution(name = "device_temp", aggregations = listOf(MIN, MEAN, MAX)).record(value)

Memfault will show all 60 recorded temperature values on the Device Timeline in high resolution, and produce 3 Heartbeat metrics (device_temp.min, device_temp.mean, device_temp.max), as a result of the MIN, MEAN, and MAX aggregations.

High Resolution Telemetry (HRT)

Every value recorded by the Reporting library is uploaded and displayed in high resolution on the device timeline.

These values are not available for use as Timeseries or Attribute metrics.

HRT example

Multiple values per hour can be recorded and visualized using HRT.


HRT is supported from Bort 4.4.0 onwards.

Only devices with the Debugging Fleet Sampling resolution enabled will have their HRT values uploaded.

Metric Aggregrations

When you use the Reporting library, you can define an aggregations on the values that are recorded, so that a single aggregate metric will be produced in the Heartbeat report, at the end of the Heartbeat interval (usually 1 hour). This single aggregate metric is available for use as Timeseries or Attributes metrics.


Only devices with the Monitoring Fleet Sampling resolution enabled will have their aggregations uploaded.

See Metrics for more details on how metrics can be configured and used in the Memfault dashboard.

Including the Reporting library SDK

Metrics can be recorded from any application on Android, by including the appropriate library. Kotlin/Java/C/C++ applications are supported across the Gradle/Make/Soong build systems. Instructions for integrating the Reporting library in each configuration are available below.


Ask us if your configuration is not supported here!

For apps that are built outside of the AOSP build system using Gradle, the easiest way to include the reporting-lib published on Maven Central.

Ensure that Maven Central is included in your project's root build.gradle file:

repositories {

Then in your app's build.gradle file, add:

dependencies {
implementation 'com.memfault.bort:reporting-lib:1.3'

The Reporting library should then be accessible by importing the Reporting class.

import com.memfault.bort.reporting.Reporting
// ...

Recording Metrics

The Bort SDK creates a Metric Report on a regular schedule (roughly once per hour). This report contains the aggregated values for all metrics which were reported over the period. This metrics will also be shown in high resolution on the Device timeline.

For example, if we create a counter metric and invoke its increment method 5 times during a reporting period, the Metric Report will contain this value (5). Its value will be reset for the next reporting period.

The regular "heartbeat" metric Report is accessed using:

Custom Reporting periods may be available in a future release of the SDK.

Individual metrics are created with methods on the Report class e.g."my-counter")

We recommend creating variables to define each metric that you will use, so that configuration (naming, defining aggregations) only has to happen in one place e.g.

val distributionMetric ="my-distribution", numericAggs(NumericAgg.MEAN, NumericAgg.MIN))

Then we can use this metric to record values from anywhere in our codebase:


Once the metric is recorded by the application, it will automatically show up in the Memfault dashboard app, where additional configuration is required to set the metric as Timeseries and/or Attributes.

Metric Types

The Reporting APIs provide convenience wrappers for several common types of metrics.


Tracks the number of times that an event occurred during each reporting period. As described above, the Bort SDK will track all recorded values, and report the sum in the Metric Report.


Create a metric Counter named disconnection-events:

val disconnectionCounter ="disconnection-events")

Then record values:


This will create one metric in Memfault named disconnection-events.sum. In the example above, this would have a value of 12.9 (1 + 4 + 7.9) for the current reporting period. This metric can be disabled by setting sumInReport = false when creating the metric (individual events will still be shown in HRT on timeline).


Counters could be useful as either Timeseries Metrics (tracking trends over time), or simply for reviewing on Device Timeline.


Tracks the distribution of a numerical value during the reporting period. Several aggregations are available to use.


Create a distribution metric named rssi, tracking the MEAN and MIN values:

val rssiMetric ="rssi", numericAggs(NumericAgg.MEAN, NumericAgg.MIN))

Then record values periodically:


This will create one metric in Memfault to track each requested aggregation:

  • rssi.mean: the mean RSSI value seen in the reporting period (i.e. the average signal strength).
  • rssi.min: the minimum RSSI value seen in the reporting period (i.e. the worst signal strength).

The available distribution aggregations are defined in the NumericAgg enum:


Minimum value recorded during the period. Appends the .min suffix to the provided metric name.


Maximum value recorded during the period. Appends the .max suffix to the provided metric name.


Sum of all values recorded during the period. Appends the .sum suffix to the provided metric name.


Mean value recorded during the period. Appends the .mean suffix to the provided metric name.


Number of values recorded during the period. Appends the .count suffix to the provided metric name.

All values will be shown in HRT on timeline. Entries will only be created in the Metric Report for each requested aggregation.


Distributions may we well suited to track selected metrics over time across the fleet, as Timeseries Metrics — while also useful on the Device Timeline as part of the Metric Report.

State Tracker

Tracks state transitions for visualizing on the Device timeline, and to perform time-based aggregations.

For example, we can use State Trackers to track the connection state of a peripheral device, or enabled state of a device function.

All States are represented as a series of Strings. For Kotlin and Java, convenience helpers are provided for tracking Enums and Booleans.


Create a state tracker named connection-state, tracking the total time spent in each state:

enum class ConnectionState {
private val connectionStateMetric =<ConnectionState>(

Then record state transitions as they occur:


This creates one metric for each state:

  • state_DISCONNECTED.total_secs: total seconds spent in the DISCONNECTED state in the reporting period.
  • state_CONNECTING.total_secs: total seconds spent in the CONNECTING state in the reporting period.
  • state_CONNECTED.total_secs: total seconds spent in the CONNECTED state in the reporting period.

Note that we used TIME_TOTALS for this example. There are three available aggregation types, defined in StateAgg:


Creates a metric per state, totalling the time (in seconds) spent in that state. Appends the .total_secs suffix to the provided metric name.


Creates a metric per state, showing time per hour (in seconds) spent in that state. This is useful if reports are not exactly one hour long. Appends the .secs/hour suffix to the provided metric name.


Creates one metric in the report, with the last recorded value at the end of the reporting period. This is similar to using a stringProperty or numberProperty. Appends the .latest suffix to the provided metric name.

Even if no aggregation types are requested, all state transitions will be displayed on timeline by HRT.


Tracking time spent in selected states may be useful to track across the fleet using Timeseries Metrics, while LATEST_VALUE could be an interesting Device Attribute to filter devices.

String / Number Properties

Track device properties using these metrics. The last reported value will be included in the Metric Report, at the end of the reporting period.


Create string/numeric property trackers (named device-color/first-boot-time):

val deviceColor ="device-color")
val firstBootTime ="first-boot-time")

Then record values for these properties:


This creates one metric for each property, with the last reported value for each reporting period:

  • device-color.latest: the latest value of this string property.
  • first-boot-time.latest: the latest value of this numeric property.

This metric can be disabled by setting addLatestToReport = false when creating the metric (all values will still be displayed on timeline as part of HRT).


Properties are likely to be useful as Device Attributes, so that we can search the fleet for devices with specific properties (and create Device Sets based on them). Please note that you cannot create charts with String properties.


Tracks individual events. When using HRT, these will be displayed individually on the device timeline.


Create a metric event named failure:

val failureEvent ="failure")

Then record events:

failureEvent.add("code 403")

By default, this will not include any metrics in the Heartbeat report. Values will only be visible on timeline using HRT. To include an event count in the report, set countInReport = true when creating the metric. This will create a metric called failure.count.


This API will replace Custom Events in a future release.

Success or Failure


Available from Bort 4.11+ and reporting-lib 1.3+.

Tracks the count of successful and failed operations. This is currently built as a convenience wrapper around 2 Counters. In the future, metrics recorded using SuccessOrFailure may be visualized in a more special way on Memfault's dashboard than just 2 Counters would.


val apiSuccessOrFailure ="api")
if (apiResult.isSuccessful) {
} else {

This will create 2 metrics called api_successful and api_failure, visible in HRT, and usable as a Heartbeat metric.



Available from Bort 4.11+ and reporting-lib 1.3+.

Tracks the count of successful and failed sync operations. This API is used to integrate with Memfault's Core Metrics to track a device's overall connectivity profile.


val syncSuccessOrFailure =

This will update 2 metrics corresponding to sync_successful and sync_failure. Memfault will automatically generate insights if these metrics are recorded.


Sessions enables support for aggregations across variable durations, by associating metrics to an activity, rather than the hourly Heartbeat.

For example, it may be more useful to record the duration, battery consumption, and type of a workout "session", to validate that there is no regression in average duration length or battery, when rolling out an update to a specific workout type.

Unlike hourly heartbeats, sessions must be explicitly started and finished.


Session names must match the ^[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]{1,64}$ regex.

// Start the named session.

// Increment a counter on the named session.

// Finish the named session.

Sessions are supported from Bort 4.17.0 onwards, and requires the latest reporting-lib on each platform (Maven reporting-lib 1.5).

Sessions are rate-limited per device per day, spread across your entire fleet. Please reach out to support to increase the quota.

Sessions do not currently render in HRT.


We recommend creating a wrapper class to define the metrics that you will use in your application. This could even be in a shared library, if you plan to record the same metrics from multiple applications.

package com.memfault.bort

import com.memfault.bort.reporting.NumericAgg
import com.memfault.bort.reporting.Reporting
import com.memfault.bort.reporting.StateAgg

enum class ConnectionState {

object RecordMetrics {
val rssiMetric ="rssi", NumericAgg.MEAN, NumericAgg.MIN)
val connectionStateMetric =<ConnectionState>("connection-state", StateAgg.TIME_TOTALS)
val disconnectionCounter ="disconnection-events")
val deviceColor ="device-color")
val firstBootTime ="first-boot-time")

We can then record values from wherever we like in the application, without having to recreate the metric configuration:



  • If you record metric values but don't see them appearing in the Memfault timeline:
    • Check that one of more aggregations are defined, for distribution and stateTracker metrics — otherwise no aggregations will be created in each Metric Report.
    • Wait for Bort to create the next Metric Report (roughly once per hour) - this is the same process which populates the built-in battery metrics on the device timeline (so you can tell when this has happened).