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April 2022

More Documentation

Memfault's documentation at received a new landing page and various other additions.

The updated landing page outlines content across MCU, Android, and Linux. It also links to additional learning resources such as video content and source code examples. Other improvements include the new page Introduction to Memfault, more information on Memfault's Linux Support, and many smaller new sections such as a comparison between Android Bug Reports and Caliper.

Improvements on Charts

Memfault surfaces relevant insights about your fleet via charts. They receive updates regularly to be more comprehensive and useful.

The dashboard chart "Active Devices" was redesigned to be a bar chart to communicate its underlying data more clearly: "Devices that communicated with Memfault in a given time period". Tooltips on several charts better highlight the numerical values their lines and bars represent. The chart "Reboot Reasons" also allows for drill-down on any day by clicking on the respective labels.


  • Added: Ability to delete Releases in the UI
  • Added: Support for CRC32-based mflt-build-id
  • Improved: Landing page and various other places at
  • Improved: Displayed Android software version on the device details page
  • Improved: Visualization of dashboard chart "Active Devices"
  • Improved: Search for Releases supports exact search via quotes "2.1"
  • Improved: Backtrace analysis for TI-clang compiler and Qualcomm
  • Improved: More info for reboots on device Timeline for MCU devices
  • Improved: Device search allows for up to 1,000 items per page
  • Fixed: Failing to process rare edge-cases for Android Bug Reports and MCU Core Dumps
  • Fixed: OTA endpoint unable to handle single-digit Hardware Versions
  • Fixed: "Release Activations/Audit Log" fails to load for some projects
  • Fixed: URLs for device search not always applied correctly
  • Fixed: Error on device search when using 2 or more attributes as criteria
  • Fixed: Failing log parsing when encountering invalid bytes
  • Fixed: Various smaller UI glitches (content overlapping, tooltips on charts, pagination when iterating on search criteria, cleanup of trace titles)


In April, SDK versions 0.30.1, 0.30.2, and 0.30.3 were released. Some highlights:

  • Particle's Device OS port improvements
  • Zephyr port improvements
  • Misc README documentation improvements

Android SDK

We have published the Bort AOSP SDK 4.1 with these highlights:

  • Enhanced the SDK validation tool to check that the MemfaultStructuredLogD (Bort's metric collection service) is correctly configured.
  • In a client/server configuration, Bort SDK settings are now forwarded from the server to the client device.
  • Added a maximum file storage limit on the client, in client/server mode.
  • Compiler and sepolicy fixes for Qualcomm/QSSI Android 12 release.
  • Fixes an issue in MemfaultStructuredLogD which could cause an error during startup or shutdown when storage is not available.