Upload symbols & R8/ProGuard mapping for an Android app build.
Pass the root 'build' directory of the Android app as argument, for example:
memfault upload-android-app-symbols --build-variant=release ~/my/app/build
The command will automatically try to locate the mapping.txt and extract the
version and package identifier from the .apk file.
If this automatic behavior does not work in your use case, consider using
option flags (i.e. --version-code, --version-name, --package, etc.) to specify
the required information directly.
Argument | Type | Required |
path | Path | True |
Option | Short | Required | Default | Description |
--build-variant | None | True | None | The build variant for which to upload the Android app symbols |
--package | None | False | None | The package identifier of the app. When not specified, it is read from the .apk |
--version-name | None | False | None | The version name of the app. When not specified, it is read from the .apk |
--version-code | None | False | None | The version code of the app. When not specified, it is read from the .apk |
--mapping-txt | None | False | None | The path to the Proguard/R8 mapping.txt file. When not specified, the gradle default locations are searched. |
--native-libs-dir | None | False | None | The path to the dir containing native libs. When not specified, the gradle default locations are searched. |
--apk-dir | None | False | None | The path to the apk. When not specified, the gradle default locations are searched. |
--concurrency | None | False | 8 | Max number of concurrent web requests |
--help | None | False | False | Show this message and exit. |