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February 2023

Memfault Support for RISC-V on ESP32-C3 Devices

Memfault now supports RISC-V on ESP32-C3 devices. By following the steps in the ESP32 ESP-IDF integration guide, you will be able to integrate the Memfault Firmware SDK into a system that is using the ESP-IDF, including the ESP32-C3 chip. The integration guide assumes you already have a working project/toolchain for the ESP32. If you do not, the official getting started guide is a great resource.


  • Added: Support for "Out of Memory" reboot reason
  • Added: Support for archiving metrics
  • Added: Project ID under Settings → General
  • Improved: Support for older browser versions
  • Fixed: Timeseries metric quota not correctly calculated when enabling/disabling Timeseries metrics
  • Fixed: Error when filtering devices with "Any" Config State under Device Search
  • Fixed: Bulk fleet sampling updates not resulting in a new config revision
  • Fixed: Issues page refreshing continuously when accessed through a pre-filtered URL
  • Fixed: Captcha error during registration
  • Fixed: Altered metric names on Device Timeline under High-Res Telemetry panel
  • Fixed: Times on the Device Timeline not updated based on the selected timezone
  • Fixed: Sporadic failures of the metric exports
  • Fixed: Logs are rate limited although device's logging resolution is set to On
  • Fixed: Sporadic timeouts of Software Version Charts on Dashboard
  • Changed: Device's first seen timestamp is used instead of the creation date under Device Details → First Seen


  • Improved: Forming Qualcomm issue titles with function name that called the assert function, instead of just the assert function name
  • Improved: Deduplication of Qualcomm issues due to Out of Memory errors
  • SDK versions 0.38.0, 0.39.0, 0.39.1, 0.40.0 and 0.41.0 were released. Some highlights:
    • Added: Support for coredumps on ESP32-S2 and ESP32-S3 chips
    • Added: Support for coredumps on ESP32-C3 (RISC-V) chip. Thanks @jlubawy for the patch!
    • Added: (Experimental) CMSIS Pack support
    • Added: (Experimental) Support for "Out of Memory" reboot reason
    • Changed: The Kconfig CONFIG_MEMFAULT_AUTOMATIC_INIT has been deprecated and is no longer supported. Please see docs for more information.




  • We did not publish a new version of the memfault-cli in February.