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Memfault OTA for Linux with SWUpdate

This guide describes how to use Memfault OTA for devices that are updated with SWUpdate. If you are not using SWUpdate, or want more control over the OTA process, you can integrate directly with the Memfault OTA REST API.

This guide assumes that you are using Yocto to build your system image but all the principles are identical if you are using SWUpdate with a different build system or a Linux distribution.


Memfault uses a globally distributed CDN for low latency and high speed downloads regardless of geolocation. It supports features such as HTTP/2, Brotli and GZip, and byte range requests, among others.

Terminology Overview

Please refer to Over-the-Air Updates (OTA) for an introduction to Memfault's OTA concepts and terminology. The paragraphs below discuss the platform-specific aspects for Embedded Linux.

Identifying a Device

For a device in a Project, several pieces of identifying information are tracked.

  • Device ID: a unique identifier of a device (often the device serial number). For example, this may be a serial number written into the EEPROM of your product in the factory or a chip identifier present in the silicon of the main MCU on your platform. This identifier must be unique for every device in the same Project. It must be an alphanumeric slug (matching this regex: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$).
  • Hardware Version: for a given device, the revision of hardware present. For example, this can be used to represent the different stages of manufacturing builds (evt, dvt, pvt, ...).

For any given device, neither of these pieces of information should ever change.


The memfaultd daemon

We strongly recommend integrating memfaultd first. Follow the integration guide to learn how to set this up for your device. A key function of memfaultd is to correctly configure and control SWUpdate.

While we recommend using memfaultd to automate OTA configuration and benefit from more advanced Memfault features, Memfault OTA may be used without it. This can be done by configuring your OTA agent to talk to the Memfault API. Both SWUpdate and RAUC have built-in support for Memfault OTA using the standard hawkBit interface. A custom agent can also be developed using our REST API. Consult our REST API docs if you wish to do so.


Keep meta-memfault-example open as a reference implementation. Your integration should look similar to it once you're done following the steps in this tutorial.

Project Key

This is a token that is used when pushing data between a device and the Memfault cloud. We will be using this to query for OTA Payloads in this tutorial. To locate this token you will also want to navigate to the "Settings" → "General" page in the Memfault UI and copy/paste the token from the "Project Key" section.

(Optional) Memfault CLI Tool

Releases can be managed either from the Memfault web UI or via the memfault cli tool.


Memfault CLI tool (memfault-cli) is a Python utility that is meant to be installed on development machines and CI infrastructure, not on the target device. It interacts with Memfault API.

It is different from memfaultctl, which interacts with memfaultd. As a small, native binary, it is optimized to run on embedded devices.

In this tutorial we will make use of the CLI client which can be installed via pip:

$ pip3 install memfault-cli

If you'd like to use the Memfault web application instead, you can always refer to our documentation on OTA Release Management and keep it open as you follow this guide.

(Optional) User API Key

This is an auth token that can be used as the "password" to make Memfault API requests which require Basic Authentication.

To locate the token, hover over your name in the top right of the dashboard and select "My Profile". Copy/paste the token from the "User API Key" section.

This API key should be passed in as the --password parameter when using the Memfault CLI.

Project & Organization Slug

When using email & API key authentication, the Memfault CLI tool also needs to know what organization and project to target. To find the "slugs" of the organization and project in the Memfault UI:

  1. Make sure that you've selected the right project on the top-left
  2. Click on "Settings" and then "General Settings"

Managing Your First Release

Create an OTA Payload

SWUpdate expects OTA Payloads in its own .swu format. Read documentation on SWUpdate to learn how to create .swu files for your project. Our Yocto example contains a working SWUpdate image memfault-image.

Additionally, the meta-swupdate-boards repository contains several examples and is a good source of working integration samples.

Create Release

In the commands below, please replace ${YOUR_SOFTWARE_TYPE} with the Software Type this Release contains. For example, in case of a BeagleBone Black we may give a Software Type of bbb-fw.

Replace ${YOUR_HARDWARE_VERSION} with the Hardware Version that this Release targets. For example, when targeting the "Mass Production" hardware build, we might use a Hardware Version of mp.

Likewise, replace ${YOUR_SOFTWARE_VERSION} with the Software Version that this Release contains. For example, in case we're releasing our first cut of our 0.0.1 build, we might use 0.0.1-alpha as Software Version.

$ cd /dev/smartfridge/
$ memfault --org-token ${YOUR_ORG_TOKEN} \
--org ${YOUR_ORG_SLUG} \
--project ${YOUR_PROJECT_SLUG} \
upload-ota-payload \
--hardware-version ${YOUR_HARDWARE_VERSION} \
--software-type ${YOUR_SOFTWARE_TYPE} \
--software-version ${YOUR_SOFTWARE_VERSION} \

INFO: build/bbb-fw.swu: uploaded!
INFO: You can view in the UI here:
<Link to Release in UI>

We've uploaded build/bbb-fw.swu as the OTA Payload. In this example, we're using a SWUpdate update image (.swu), but Memfault supports any type of OTA Payload.


If you are going to be working with the same project you can add standard arguments as environment variables to your shell init file or via the command line:

$ export MEMFAULT_ORG_TOKEN=<Organization Token>
$ export MEMFAULT_ORG=<Organization slug>
$ export MEMFAULT_PROJECT=<Project slug>

With these changes, our invocation reduces to:

$ cd /dev/smartfridge/
$ memfault upload-ota-payload \
--hardware-version ${YOUR_HARDWARE_VERSION} \
--software-type ${YOUR_SOFTWARE_TYPE} \
--software-version ${YOUR_SOFTWARE_VERSION} \

INFO: build/bbb-fw.swu: uploaded!
INFO: You can view in the UI here:
<Link to Release in UI>

Enable developer mode

By default, your devices will be asked to poll every 12 hours by the Memfault backend. In order to speed up the integration process, we've added a developer mode setting to Cohorts.

Select the defaultCohort in Fleet → Cohorts and open its Settings view. In it, select "Development mode: every minute" in the hawkBit polling interval section.

Server-side rate limiting will apply to the device you're using to work on the integration process. Once you can see the device on the Memfault Web App, consider enabling Server-Side Developer Mode for it on the Memfault Web App to temporarily bypass these limits.

Activate the Release

Now let's activate the Release in the default Cohort.


Any new device seen that has not explicitly been assigned to a custom Cohort will be part of the default Cohort. To pre-create devices assigned to a specific Cohort check out our api-docs.

In the application, navigate to FleetCohorts. Click on the picker under next to the default Cohort under "Target Release", select the Release to activate and you will be prompted with options that can be performed for the Release.

Query for OTA Payload

Now that we have a release uploaded and published let's walk through the steps to download the Release on a device!

Memfault supports SWUpdate as a way to update the software on an Embedded Linux device using SWUpdate's Suricatta daemon. It communicates with the server using the hawkBit DDI API standard.

Building SWUpdate to include Suricatta

Find the following options, either via menuconfig or by modifying defconfig, and add them to defconfig in a recipe that appends to swupdate (here's an example):

  • CONFIG_SURICATTA=y: configures SWUpdate to include the Suricatta daemon in the build.
  • CONFIG_SURICATTA_HAWKBIT=y: configures Suricatta to use hawkBit server mode.
  • Unset CONFIG_SURICATTA_GENERAL: SWUpdate works either in hawkBit mode or a general-purpose HTTP server mode. Disable general-purpose HTTP server support.

Configuring the Suricatta on-device daemon to use Memfault

The memfaultd daemon includes a SWUpdate feature to automatically generate SWUpdate configuration file. You can control which features are built-in, but by default, it builds with the SWUpdate feature enabled.

The SWUpdate feature for memfaultd constructs a valid SWUpdate configuration in a temporary file. The path of this temporary file defaults to /tmp/swupdate.cfg. To make SWUpdate use this file, you may add e.g. --file /tmp/swupdate.cfg to the SWUPDATE_ARGS environment variable, which gets picked up by SWUpdate. Check out the example layer for inspiration.

To allow for further configuration, memfaultd uses /etc/swupdate.cfg as its base for the generated configuration. Feel free to configure your SWUpdate installation using /etc/swupdate.cfg, e.g. by adding a recipe that appends to swupdate (see this example).

Note that /etc/swupdate.cfg may specify a suricatta section which will get merged with the corresponding section in /tmp/swupdate.cfg. The identify section is owned by memfaultd and would get overwritten completely.

The path to both /tmp/swupdate.cfg and /etc/swupdate.cfg can be configured in /etc/memfaultd.conf (see a full reference) like so:

"software_version": "1.0.0",
"software_type": "main",
"project_key": "<YOUR_PROJECT_KEY>",
"swupdate": {
"input_file": "/your/own/path/base-swupdate.cfg",
"output_file": "/your/own/path/generated-swupdate.cfg"

Remember to pass the path to output_file as a config file for SWUpdate.

SWUpdate feature dependencies

The dependencies of the SWUpdate feature are u-boot-env and u-boot-fw-utils. Make sure to include those in your image file like so:

IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " memfault-device-info u-boot-env u-boot-fw-utils"

Note that memfault-device-info is a required executable for memfaultd. Read our docs on memfault-device-info for more information.

Add /etc/fw_env.config to your build

See this example /etc/fw_env.config file. SWUpdate as well as memfaultd's reboot reason tracking feature depend on it.

Rollback Release

Aborting or Rolling back from a Release which has a firmware regression is easy to do from the UI. Simply navigate to "Fleet" → "Cohorts", click on the picker under "Options" and select the "Abort Rollout" option.

Disable developer mode

Remember to undo the steps you took in Enable Developer Mode and to configure your Cohort with a value that'll work for your project on production.